Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Shohet, I. M., Peek-Asa, C., & Bar-Dayan, Y. Integrating Epidemiological and Engineering Approaches in the Assessment of Human Casualties in Earthquakes. Natural Hazards, 78(2), May 2015.
Wei, H. H., Shohet, I. M., Skibniewski, M. J., Shapira, S., Levy, R., Levi, T., ... & Zohar, M. Assessment of Casualty and Economic Losses from Earthquakes Using Semi-Empirical Model. Procedia Engineering, 123. October 2015.
Wei, H. H., Shohet, I. M., Skibniewski, M. J., Shapira, S., & Yao, X. Assessing the Lifecycle Sustainability Costs and Benefits of Seismic Mitigation Designs for Buildings. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 22(1), March 2016.
Shapira, S., Novack, L., Bar-Dayan, Y., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. An Integrated and Interdisciplinary Model for Predicting the Risk of Injury and Death in Future Earthquakes. PLoS one, 11(3), March 2016.
Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., Bar-Dayan, Y., Sykes, D., & Adini, B. Knowledge, Perceptions, Attitudes and Willingness to Report to Work in an Earthquake: A Pilot Study Comparing Canadian Versus Israeli Hospital Nursing Staff. International Emergency Nursing, 25, March 2016.
Shapira, S., Aharonson-Daniel, L., & Bar-Dayan, Y. Anticipated Behavioral Response Patterns to an Earthquake: The Role of Personal and Household Characteristics, Risk Perception, Previous Experience and Preparedness. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, October 2018.
Shapira, S., Levi, T., Bar-Dayan, Y., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. The Impact of Behavior on the Risk of Injury and Death During an Earthquake: A Simulation-Based Study. Natural Hazards, 91(3), January 2018.