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Accessibility at BGU

Disability Services

It is our priority to accommodate students with disabilities. Please take a look at our Accessibility Map to see the features our campus has to make it a more accommodating and accessible place for all of its students.

The map is in Hebrew. For more info on physical disabilities click here.

Students with permanent physical disabilities should contact the University Board to receive counseling and guidance on the steps to be taken to receive assistance as well as academic and exam accommodations. We recommend applying to the board before the beginning of the academic year or at the beginning of the semester. The process takes about six weeks. Students applying to the board will be required to furnish up-to-date medical records from a medical specialist. The applications will be reviewed by the board that includes a medical doctor.  No answers will be provided by telephone. The student is responsible for reporting to the board and receiving the answers.

  • Students who are found eligible for academic assistance will be able to receive mentoring assistance as needed.
  • Hearing-impaired students are invited to seek counseling and assistance, including academic tutors. BGU has recently been fitted with many hearing aids.
  • Students with a temporary physical disability for which they need special accommodations for studies/exams should contact the board as soon as the problem arises.
  • Students who missed studies for more than 14 days due to a hospital stay are entitled to four tutoring sessions for each week they missed from studies, a photocopying card to make up the missing study material, and 25 photocopies per day of hospitalization, excluding vacations or weekends.

Medical Board Forms

The forms should be sent to medboard@bgu.ac.il

or submitted to Prof. Orna Almog, Dean of Students, Student Building, 2nd floor, Room 258

The process takes about six weeks.