The Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters
Online Course 🎓

Ritual Objects in the Medieval Middle East


CSoC's international annual conference took place via Zoom this year​, and you can find all the recordings on our YouTube channel​.

R​itual Objects in the Medieval Middle East - a BGU Workshop

Click the links below to view the Zoom recordings from our workshop:

​Click here ​for the Abstracts Booklet​

For more information, contact the organizers​.


Thank You Notes:

I just wanted to send off a short note to thank you so much for this past week's conference. It was really so so excellent! A joy to see and hear from so many wonderful friends and colleagues, to meet new people, to take in the exhibits and to just learn SO much. And it was wonderfully executed over zoom. Not too long, but also consistent and timely. And as is clear from our reluctance to sign-off -- no one wanted it to end. Bravo!

Thank you very much for including me! I look forward to hearing about your future plans.

Thank you both so much again for organizing such a wonderful gathering which gave us so much food for thought. We'll all remember it for a long, long time! (It would have been even nicer to have a glass of wine together but I hope we can make up for this somewhere before too long!)

It was my first time to go on digital outings together. This was such a fabulous experience. Oh, and if someone finds some references on foot- or handprints in a Jewish context, I'd love to hear about it.

Thank you once again for the marvelous workshop. I really enjoyed it and learned so much - and noticed once again how many great scholars I did not know before and subjects I never had thought of. I am already looking forward to listening to some talks again.

I hope you are enjoying this week's conferencing as much as I am! I think the format is actually working really well and the papers have been extremely interesting and thought-provoking.

Thanks for all your work in hosting the conference, and for inviting me to be a part of it.

I wanted to quickly thank you both once again for an excellent workshop. It was a sincere pleasure and I learned so much.

אני עדיין נפעמת מהאופן שבו ניהלת את הכנס ומהאווירה הטובה שאת ויוני השרתם. כל הכבוד! שבת שלום לכולכם

מעדכנת שלצערי מחר אשתתף רק בחלק מההרצאות.

תודה, איזו סדנה נהדרת!

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the last day of the workshop, but just wanted to send a quick word thanking you for such a wonderful event.  As close as it can get to being there in person!​