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Dr. Yafi Levanon

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Yafi Levanon | Photo: Dani Machlis

My life before BGU:

I was born in Canada and grew up in Haifa. I studied for my bachelor's and master's degrees in occupational therapy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I completed a PhD in occupational therapy at Tel Aviv University, and did a postdoc in collaboration with the University of Florida.

Why BGU?

After spending 40 years at Sheba Medical Center, which included 20 years at Tel Aviv University as a doctoral student and then as a lecturer and senior lecturer in the parallel track, I was offered the opportunity to lead the establishment of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Since I have extensive clinical and research experience, and since there is a significant shortage of healthcare professionals in the south in general, and occupational therapy in particular, I thought it would be right to rise to the challenge.

I started as the project manager by preparing the paperwork for approval by the Council for Higher Education (CHE), with the understanding that if the proposal is approved, I would be able to build and head the department, based on the abundant experience I have accumulated. I was appointed to the adjunct senior lecturer track, and at the end of the process, once the department was approved by the CHE, I was hired as a senior lecturer and head of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Ben-Gurion University.

My Research

I study the effectiveness of treatments to rehabilitate hands following complex injuries, nerve injuries, tendon injuries and functional problems resulting from the injury. I also deal with the causes of musculoskeletal pain in the upper extremities that are the result of working in certain professions, such as people who sit for many hours at a computer, or surgeons who stand for a long time in positions that cause musculoskeletal pain. In my research, I try to identify the problems, to measure muscle activity using Surface Electromyography (SEMG, a method of monitoring muscle electrical activity), and find ergonomic solutions or interventions to reduce pain and improve function. With SEMG Motor Biofeedback (a device that monitors muscle activity and displays muscle functioning clearly and graphically), patients can learn to reduce muscle activity that is not necessary for a specific activity, or to strengthen weak muscles.

An insight from my research:

Early treatment of skeletal pain and ergonomic consultation (adapting the person to the environment), including awareness of the body, correct body positioning at work, and correct use of the various muscles in the body, can prevent musculoskeletal pain, which is one of the main causes of absence from work. Back, shoulder and hand pain are not decreed by fate or a function of age. There are solutions.

Something that doesn't appear​​ on my CV:

I love swimming, pottery, and painting.

A source of inspiration:

A graduate lecturer from Bezalel who specializes in ethnic embroidery, in her profound and amazing lectures in the pre-internet era, made it clear to me by personal example that in any topic and field of interest that we deal with, it is possible to be good and even very good, but it is also possible to reach significant heights and depths and develop a most unique and incredible expertise.

When I grow up...

In high school, I thought about studying science at the Technion. As I grew up, I realized that human beings, with all their complexities, are more interesting to me. I find the disciplines of the body, mind and their treatment fascinating.

If I wasn't a researcher, I would...

be in interior design and art.

In brief:

  • Fauda or Big Brother? Neither. I hardly watch TV series.
  • Yoga or CrossFit? Neither
  • Hapoel or Maccabi? Maccabi
  • Ravid Plotnik or Noa Kirel? Ravid Plotnik
  • Steak or tofu? Steak
  • Trekking or the spa? Trekking and then the spa.
  • Car or train? Train for long journeys. Convenience wins.
  • Classical Europe or India? India – new culture, smells, colors.
  • Ocean or pool? Ocean – a horizon and chlorine-free.
  • Night or morning? Morning
  • Winter or summer? Summer
  • City or country? Country
  • Film or play? Play
  • Phone call or text message? Phone conversation
  • Savory or sweet? Sweet
  • Android or Iphone? Android
  • Cat or Dog? Neither
  • Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

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