Dr. Orly Bareket
Department of Psychology - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
My life before BGU:
I was born in the US while my parents were on sabbatical, and we returned to Israel when I was two years old. I grew up in Kfar Vradim (a small community in the Galilee) and graduated from Ort Ma’alot high school. I obtained all three of my degrees from Tel Aviv University: a bachelor’s in psychology and in management, and a master’s and doctorate in social psychology, under the supervision of Prof. Nurit Shnabel. I did a postdoc at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University, under Prof. Susan Fiske.
Why BGU?
I don’t have previous experience with BGU, but I am very impressed by the quality of the research and the people in the Department of Psychology. In general, I am impressed by the resources (material and human) available to new researchers at the University and provide a fertile environment for significant research.
My research:
In my research I look at the question: What preserves traditional gender roles as they appear in modern society? and more specifically, in understanding the psychological mechanisms that maintain these gendered roles – those everyday interactions that we tend to be blind to or unaware of. I also study the personal and professional price paid by men and women when mechanisms that promote gender inequality are adopted. For example, in one of my studies I found that helping relationships can function as a supposedly positive mechanism for men and women to collaborate, but, in practice, this perpetuates traditional gender roles. In another project, I examine the psychological motives for participating in sexual objectification, as well as the costs of such participation to women and men’s welfare. My research methods include lab and field experiments, behavioral and physiological parameters (unbiased by self-reporting), and paradigms that simulate or integrate real interactions.
An insight from my research:
The understanding that gender inequality in western society, which officially proclaims values of equality, is perpetuated through hidden psychological mechanisms rather than overt discrimination. Studying these mechanisms can increase awareness of how, why and when they work, with the hope that this can mitigate their adverse effects.
Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
When I’m not working, I enjoy hanging out and travelling with my family.
A source of inspiration:
The supervisors who have guided me thus far through academia are a source of inspiration to me.
Beyond that, I am a diehard fan of [the poet] Leah Goldberg.
When I grow up:
I had intended to study computer science, but I’m happy with my decision to work on understanding the behavior of people rather than computers
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
probably work in hi-tech
In Brief:
- Fauda or Big Brother? Not crazy about either
- Yoga or CrossFit? Pilates
- Hapoel or Maccabi? I haven’t got a clue
- Ravid Plotnik or Noa Kirel? Not my generation
- Steak or tofu? Steak
- Trekking or the spa? Both
- Car or train? Depends on traffic
- Classical Europe or India? Both
- Ocean or pool? Ocean
- Night or morning? Morning, for being productive and night (or evening to be more precise) for the soul
- Winter or summer? Summer
- City or country? City
- Film or play? film
- Phone call or text message? Text
- Savory or sweet? Savory
- Android or iPhone? iPhone
- Cat or dog? Cat
- Facebook or Twitter? Both