Moshe Barak

Professor Emeritus


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Selected  Articles in Referred Journals



1.      Waks, S. & Barak, M. (1988). Characterization of cognitive difficulty level of test items, Research in Science and Technological Education, 6(2), 181‑192.

2.    Barak, M. (1990). Imparting basics in technology through an instructional system for computerized process control, Research in Science and Technological Education, 8(1), 53‑67. 

3.      Barak, M. (1993). Applying the state‑space technique in elementary control studies, The International Journal of Applied Engineering Education, 9(2), 186-192.

4.    Barak, M., Yehiav, R. & Mendelson, N. (1994). Advancement of low achievers within technology studies at high school, Research in Science and Technological Education, 12(2), 175-186.

5.    Barak, M., Eisenberg, E., Harel, O. (1995). What's in the calculator? An introductory project for technology studies, Research in Science and Technological Education, 13(2), 147-154.

6.    Waks, S. & Barak, M. (1996). Role of evaluation in an interdisciplinary educational program, Studies in Educational Evaluation, 22(2), 71-179.

7.    Barak., Pearlman-Avnion, S., Glanz, J. (1997). Using developmental supervision to improve science and technology instruction in Israel, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Summer, 12(4), 367-382.

8.    Barak, M. (1997). Changing emphasis for schools in the information society. Focus on Education, 4, 15-18.

9.    Barak, M., Waks, S. (1997) An Israeli study of longitudinal in-service training for implications mathematics, science and technology teachers, Journal of Education for Teaching, 23(2), 179 -190.

10. Barak, M. Pearlman-Avnion, S. & Bonner, M. (1997). Consumer education for junior high-school pupils within a technological project, Journal of Design and Technology Education 2(1), 27-31.

11. Barak, M., & Maymon T. (1998) Aspects of teamwork observed in a technological task in junior high schools, Journal of Technology Education, 9(2), 3 -17. Find here

12. Barak, M., Maymon, T. & Harel, G. (1999). Teamwork in modern organizations - Applications for technology education, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 9(1), 85-101.

13. Barak, M. Pearlman-Avnion, S. (1999). Who will teach an integrated program for science and technology in Israeli junior high schools? A case study, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(2), 239-253.

14. Barak, M., (1999). Enhanced science and technology teaching-learning processes and novel technologies: From theory to practice, Staff and Educational Development International, 3(1), 21-33.

15. Barak, M., Doppelt, Y. (1999) Integrating the Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) program for creative thinking into a project-based technology curriculum, Research in Science and Technology Education, 17(2) 139-151.

16. Barak, M., Peleg, R. (1999) From vocational to technological education: Pupils’ perceptions regarding the essence, importance and prestige of technology education, Studies in Education 3(2), 111-141. (Hebrew, English abstract).

17. Barak, M., Raz, E. (2000) Hot-Air Balloons: project-centered study as a bridge between science and technology education. Science Education, 84(1), 27-42.

18. Barak, M., Peleg, R., Avrahami, M. (2000) Renewal of the Israeli Arab-Druze school: a focus on science and technology education, Studies in Education 4(2), 51-76 (Hebrew, English abstract).

19. Barak, M., Waks, S., Doppelt, Y. (2000). Majoring in technology and fostering learning, Learning Environments Research, 3(2), 135-138.

20. Barak, M., Doppelt, Y. (2000) Using portfolio to enhance creative thinking, The Journal of Technology Studies, 26(2), 16-25. Find here

21. Barak, M., Goffer, N. (2002) Fostering systematic innovative thinking and problem solving: lessons education can learn from industry. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 12(3), 227-247.

22. Barak, M., (2002) Learning good electronics, or coping with challenging tasks? Priorities of excellent students, Journal of Technology Education 14(1), 20-34. Find here

23. Doppelt, Y., Barak, M. (2002) Pupils Identify Key Aspects and Outcomes of a Technological Learning Environment, The Journal of Technology Studies, 28(1). 12-18. Find here

24. Barak, M. (2004). The Use of Computers in Technological Studies: Significant Learning or Superficial Activity? Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 23(4), 329-346.

25. Barak, M. (2004). Systematic Approaches for Inventive Thinking and Problem Solving: Implications for Engineering Education, International Journal of Engineering Education, 20(4), 612-618.

26. Barak, M. (2004). Issues involved in attempting to develop independent learning in pupils working on technological projects, Research in Science and Technological Education, 22(2), 171-183.

27. Barak, M. (2005). From order to disorder:  The role of computer-based electronics projects on fostering of higher-order cognitive skills, Computers & Education, 45 (2), 231-243.

28. Barak, M. (2005). School-university collaboration: underserved pupils and higher education. Education and Society, 23(1), 43-46. 

29. Barak, M. (2006). Teaching methods for systematic inventive problem solving: Evaluation of a course for teachers, Research in Science and Technological Education, 24 (2), 237-254.

30. Barak, M. (2006). Instructional principles for fostering learning with ICT: teachers’ perspectives as learners and instructors, Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 11(2), 121-135.

31. Bark, M. and Williams, P. (2007). Learning elemental structures and dynamic processes in technological systems, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 17(3), 323-340.

32. Barak, M. & Mesika, P. (2007). Teaching methods for inventive problem-solving in junior high school, Thinking Skills and Creativity. 2(1), 19-29. Find here 

33. Williams, J., Iglesias, J. & Barak, M. (2008). Problem based learning: application to technology education in three countries, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 18(4), 319-335.

34. Barak, M. (2007). Technological projects and learning: Reflection on the Israeli experience, Journal of Technology Education (accepted for publication).

35. Barak, M. & Shakhman, L. (2008) Reform-based science teaching: Teachers’ instructional practices and conceptions, Eurasis Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 4(1), 11-20. Find here

36. Barak, M. & Shachar, A. (2008). Project in technology and fostering learning skills: The potential and its realization, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(3), 285-296.

37. Barak, M. & Shakhman, L. (2008). Fostering higher-order thinking in science class: Teachers’ reflections, Teachers and Teaching, Theory and Practice, 14(3), 191-208.

38. Barak, M. & Zadok, Y. (2009). Robotics projects and learning concepts in science, technology and problem solving, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 19(3), 289-307 

39. Barak, M. (2009). Idea focusing versus idea generating: A course for teachers on inventive problem-solving, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 46(4), 1-12. 

40. Barak, M. (2009). Motivating self-regulated learning in technology education, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 20(4), 381-401

41. Barak, M. (2010). System design as a three-phase dual-loop (TPDL) process: types of knowledge-applied sources of feedback, and student development as independent learners, Design and Technology Education - An International Journal 15(2), 32-43. Find here

42. Barak, M. (2010). How the teaching of heuristic methods affects inventive problem-solving, Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 8(3-4), 273-296.

43. Barak, M. (2011). From ‘doing’ to ‘doing with learning’: reflection on an effort to promote self-regulated learning in technological projects in high school, European Journal of Engineering Education (accepted for publication).

44. Barak, M. & Asad, K. (2012). Teaching image processing concepts in junior high school: boys’ and girls’ achievements and attitudes towards technology, Research in Science and Technological Education, 30(1), 61-84.

45. Barak, M. (2012). Impacts of learning inventive problem-solving principles: students’ transition from systematic searching to heuristic problem solving, Instructional science, 41(4), 657-679

46.  Barak, M. (2013). Teaching engineering and technology: cognitive, knowledge and problem-solving taxonomies, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(3), 316-333

47. Portnov-Neeman, Y. & Barak, M, (2013). Exploring students’ perceptions about learning in school: An activity theory-based study, Journal of Education and Learning, 2(3), 9-24.

48. Awad, N. & Barak, M. (2014) Sound, waves and communication: Students' achievements and motivation in learning a STEM-oriented program, Creative Education, 5(23), 1959-1968.

49. Kastelan, I., Lopez, B. J. R., Artetxe, G. E., Piwinski, J., Barak, M., & Temerinac, M. (2014). E2LP: A unified embedded engineering learning platform, Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, 38(8), 933-946.

50. Awad, N., & Barak, M. (2015). Projects in Information System Design and Fostering Learning in Israeli High Schools: A Pilot Study, International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 2(2), 85-95.

51. Barak, M., & Assal, M. (2018). Robotics and STEM learning: students’ achievements in assignments according to the P3 Task Taxonomy – Practice, Problem solving, and Projects, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28(1), 121-144, doi: 10.1007/s10798-016-9385-9.

52. Hacker M., & Barak, M. (2017). Important engineering and technology concepts and skills for all high school students in the United States: Comparing perceptions of engineering educators and high school teachers, Journal of Technology Education, 28(2), 31-52.

53. Barak, M. &, Albert, D. (2017). Fostering Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting Processes among Engineering Experts in Industry, Australasian Journal of Technology Education, 4 (1-14).

54. Awad, N., & Barak, M. (2018). Pre-service science teachers learn a stem – oriented program: the case of sound, waves and communication systems, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 14(4), 1431–1451.

55. Shakhman, L. & Barak, M. (2019). The Physics Problem-Solving Taxonomy (PPST): Development and application for evaluating student learning, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(11), em1764.

56. Awad, N., Salman, I., & Barak, M. (2019). Integrating teachers to teach an interdisciplinary stem-focused program about sound, waves and communication systems, European Journal of STEM Education 4(1), 05,

57. Barak M. (2019), Preparing School Graduates to Integrate into the World of Technological Innovation, Social and Economic Changes, and Globalization: The Role of Teaching Technology and Engineering, Globalization and Business, 7, 16-23.

58. Barak, M. (2020). Renovating project-based learning in Israel to foster learning STEM, computational thinking and design arts, Australian Journal of Technology Education (Published online first October 2020)

59. Barak, M. (2020). Problem-, project- and design-based learning: their relationship to teaching science, technology and engineering in school, Journal of Problem-based Learning 72(2), 94-97.

60. Abu-Saad, A., & Barak, M. (2020). Teaching science to reduce genetic diseases within the Bedouin community in Israel. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 15(1), 43-62.

61. Barak M. & Bedianashvili, G. (2021) Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) a method for innovative problem solving and new product development, Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 3(1), 111-122. doi 10.24874/PES03.01.0 / PES03.01.010



Editorship of collective volumes

1.      Barak, M. & Hacker, M. (Eds.) (2011), Fostering Human Development through Engineering and Technology Education, Rotterdam: Sense Publishes.

2.      Szewczyk, R., Kastelan, I., Temerinac, M., Barak, M. & Sruk, V. (Eds.) (2016). Embedded Engineering Education, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. 


Chapters in collective volumes

3.      Barak, M. & Tamir, A. (2003) Technology Education in Israel: Aiming to Develop Intellectual Abilities and Skills via Technology Studies, in: Graube, G., Dyrenfurth, M. & Theuerkauf, W. (Eds.) Technology Education, International Concepts and Perspectives, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 221-228.


4.      Barak, M. (2005), Engineering and excellence: An old-new agenda for technology education in Israeli high schools. In: M., De Vries & I. Mottier (Ed.), International Handbook of Technology Education: Reviewing the Past Twenty Yearst, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 477- 486.


5.      Barak, M. & Tamir, A. (2006). Technology education in Israel in a period of rapid socio-economic and technological changes. In: J. Williams, (Ed.), International Technology Teacher Education 55th Yearbook, New York: McGraw-Hill Glencoe, 111-128.


6.      Barak, M. (2007). Problem solving in technological context: The role of strategies, schemes and heuristics. In: D. Barlex (Ed.), Design and Technology for the Next Generation, Whitchurch, UK: Cliffeco Communications, 154-169.


7.      Barak, M. (2011). Fostering learning in the engineering and technology class: From content-oriented instruction toward a focus on cognition, metacognition and motivation. In: M. Barak & M. Hacker (Eds.), Fostering Human Development through Engineering and Technology Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishes, 35-54.


8.      Barak, M. Kastelan, I., & Azia, Z., (2016). Exploring aspects of self-regulated learning among engineering students learning digital system design in the FPGA environment – methodology and findings. In: R. Szewczyk, I. Kastelan, M. Temerinac, M. Barak, M. & V. Sruk (Eds.), Advances in Embedded Engineering Education, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.


9.      Barak. M. (2018). Teaching and learning technology in different domains: Tradition and future development. In: M. De Vries (Ed.), Handbook of Technology Education, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 283-287.


10.  Barak, M. (2018). Teaching electronics: From building circuits to system thinking and programing. In: M. De Vries (Ed.), Handbook of Technology Education, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 337-360.


11.  Barak, M. (2020). Teaching Problem-Solving in the Digital Era. In P. J. Williams & D., Barlex (Eds.), Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools (pp. 245-265). Springer, Cham.


12.  Doppelt, Y. & Barak, M. (2021). Design-based learning in electronics and mechatronics: Exploring the application in schools. In Design-Based Concept Learning in Science and Technology Education (pp. 101-134). Brill Sense.


13.  Barak M. (2022) Fostering Systems Thinking in the Context of Electronics Studies. In: Hallström J., Williams P.J. (eds) Teaching and Learning about Technological Systems. Contemporary Issues in Technology Education. Springer, Singapore.