המחלקה לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה
אודות המחלקה לפורטל הסטודנטיאלימדיה

מענקי מחקר

שנים 2019-2024

שם שנה כותרת מענק המחקר שם גוף מממן

Aviad Raz

Stefan T​immermans

2019-2023​ Negotiating Genome-Wide Sequencing in Clinical Care: The Performance of Personalized Genomic Medicine in Cross-Cultural Perspective The Bi-National US-Israel Science Foundation​ (BSF)

ניצה ברקוביץ

לירון בהרב

2019-2021 ​Understanding the world of Ultra-Orthodox micro-entrepreneur women The Ministry of Science and Technology

Nir Avieli and

Gideon Shelach

Animals and Human Society in the Sinitic World
Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies, ​Hebrew U.
Rafi Grosglik,
Shimon Rachmilevitch,
Danit Shahar,
Moriah​ Ellen,
Nadav Davidovitch,
Stav Shapira,
Odeya Chohen,
Rinat Avraham.
Research assistant:
Adi Rosenstock
2023-2025 “Roots of Resilience: Sowing Health and Sustainability in the Era of Climate Change". One Health and Resilience Center (BGU-FOR)
Rafi Grosglik and Dan Kotliar 2023-2027 Between Humans, Microbes, and Algorithms: Th​e Construction, Commodification, and Consumption of the Human Microbiome

Israel Sci​ence Foundation (ISF)

Sami Mia'ar​i and​
Maha Sabbah Karkabi
2024-2026 Economic Opportunities, Criminal Activity, and Deterrence: Evidence from Palestinian minority in Israel H.F. Guggenheim Foundation Research Grant
Yeela L​ahav Raz &
​​Dana Kaplan



Digital Sexual Conduct: Towards a Theory of Post-Situational Digisexual Sociality

I​srael Science Foundation (ISF)