המחלקה להנדסת מכונות

חוות השרתים HPC

Mechanical Engineering High Preformance Computing (me HPC)

Server name


Memory [GB]​


2 x Xeon E5-2680v2


To use these resources you need to do 2 things:

  1. Get familiar with the tools and procedures needed for connection to me HPC. http://in.bgu.ac.il/computing/Pages/BGU-HPC.aspx​
  2. Contact your IT support.

Tools for connecting to the HPC

  1. PuTTY client - is a textual software that is used for secure connection to the HPC.
  2. vnc client - is a graphical software that is used for connecting to the HPC.

 Connecting to the HPC

  1. Use PuTTY (terminal) to connect to the HPC via hpcin server with your credencials. These credentials will not change once you login.
  2. If you are running to a queue use fluent.q
  3. In the terminal type vncserver -list  to find your X display session value. In the following example it is :34
  4. If you have no X display session type vncserver in the terminal to get one.
  5. If you didn’t yet create a vnc password on this server (or you wish to change it) do it now from the terminal by typing vncpasswd and than selecting a password.
  6. Use VNC viewer to connect to the HPC using the X display number you located at 2-3 (e.g hpcin:37) and your vnc password. If the connection is refused (or you get black screen) use vncserver -kill :34 to delete your current X display session and open a new one (see 3-4).
  7. Use vncserver -geometry 1920x1080 to enable fullscreen.

  1. ​​tightVNC.JPG 

Connecting to me HPC

To work with Fluent in a graphic mode you need to connect to one of the department servers in the HPC (e.g. sge211) and run from the ess (our storage space).

  1. ssh -X sge211 to connect to this server (you can alternatively select one of the other server)

Transfering Files from windows to the HPC

  1. Use the FileZilla or any other ftp client to transfer files.
  2. Connect to server hpcgate with your credential.
  3.  ftp.JPG
  4. Now you can drag and drop files from the server to your local disk and Vice Versa


gpfs Storage resource

  1. We recommand to work in folder ess which is mounted to the gpfs volum. To do that use cd ess
  2. To see the amount of storage space available in gpfs to our group use the command group_quota_ess
  3. ​In some machines there are local disks which you can work with. Use the df -h command to see if there is a local disk on the current machine and available space.



BGU HPC status http://sge01:8080/HPC/

More on ESS http://sge01z:8080/HPC/wiki/ESS.html

Be a friend with the wiki http://sge01:8080/HPC/wiki/FAQ.html

HPC Help: Semion and Avigdor via  hpc​-tech@bgu.ac.il