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אתר החוקר

המחקר שלי

Rank-infinity laminated composites attaining the Hashing-Shtrikman bounds

Gal Debotton, Eliyahu Hariton

The attainability of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds by a class of sequentially laminated composites with prescribed and generally different volume fractions of the core laminates at each rank is well-known. It is demonstrated that in the limit of a rank-infinity laminate these bounds are attained by choosing identical volume fractions for the core laminates.

שפת פרסום אנגלית
דפים 442-445
כרך 297
נושא מספר 5-6
סטטוס פרסום פורסם - 20.05.2002


Composite material
Constitutive relation
Effective behavior
Inhomogeneous material
Sequentially laminated material

ASJC Scopus subject areas

General Physics and Astronomy
קבצים וקישורים אחרים
Link to publication in Scopus