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גל דבוטון

אקדמי בכיר

Band-gaps in electrostatically controlled dielectric laminates subjected to incremental shear motions

Gal Shmueli, Gal Debotton

The thickness vibrations of a finitely deformed infinite periodic laminate made out of two layers of dielectric elastomers is studied. The laminate is pre-stretched by inducing a bias electric field perpendicular to the layers. Incremental time-harmonic fields superimposed on the initial finite deformation are considered next. Utilizing the Bloch-Floquet theorem along with the transfer matrix method we determine the dispersion relation which relates the incremental fields frequency and the phase velocity. Ranges of frequencies at which waves cannot propagate are identified whenever the Bloch-parameter is complex. These band-gaps depend on the phases properties, their volume fraction, and most importantly on the electric bias field. Our analysis reveals how these band-gaps can be shifted and their width can be modified by changing the bias electric field. This implies that by controlling the electrostatic bias field desired frequencies can be filtered out. Representative examples of laminates with different combinations of commercially available dielectric elastomers are examined.

שפת פרסום אנגלית
דפים 1970-1981
כרך 60
נושא מספר 11
סטטוס פרסום פורסם - 01.01.2012


Bloch-Floquet analysis
Dielectric elastomers
Finite deformations
Non-linear electroelasticity
Thickness vibrations
Wave propagation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering
גישה למסמך
קבצים וקישורים אחרים
Link to publication in Scopus