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Siegel Berman

Senior Academic

Out-of-plane shear deformation of a neo-Hookean fiber composite

Gal Debotton, Eliyahu Hariton

The response of a neo-Hookean fiber composite undergoing finite out-of-plane shear deformation is examined. To this end an explicit close form solution for the out-of-plane shear response of a cylindrical composite element is introduced. We find that the overall response of the cylindrical composite element can be characterized by a fictitious homogeneous neo-Hookean material. Accordingly, this macroscopic response is identical to the response of a composite cylinder assemblage. The expression for the effective shear modulus of the composite cylinder assemblage is identical to the corresponding expression in the limit of small deformation elasticity, and hence also to the expression for the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds on the out-of-plane shear modulus.

Publication languageEnglish
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 22.05.2006


Fiber composites
Finite elasticity
Hyperelastic composites
Rubber-reinforced composites
Tissue mechanics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

General Physics and Astronomy