Optical Diagnostics 

and Medical Informatics Laboratory


Apart from enormous efforts put in understanding, prevention and treatment, cancer remains a leading cause of death in developed countries.  In addition to the obvious personal cost, cancer represents a significant economic burden to the state through both direct (diagnosis, therapeutics surgery etc.) and indirect (long term disability payments, taxation, revenue lose due to premature death etc.) costs. Perhaps, the most effective way to reduce both the personal and economic burden associated with cancer is early, accurate detection of the disease. Accurate early diagnosis potentially allows intervention when the disease is least aggressive, improving the chances of survival.

The current methods of diagnosis of cancer include a) tissue contrast b) physical examination c) MRI. Microscopic examination of sections of tissue requires processing of tissues (fixation, sectioning and staining) prior to analysis. The physical examination of patients is inherently subjective and relies upon the experience of the physician. MRI, the youngest of these techniques is too expensive to be used for routine screening purpose.

Infrared radiation, which is noninvasive and harmless is absorbed by tissues, fluids and cells to promote vibration of the covalent bonds of molecules within the sample. The wavelength of infrared radiation, which is absorbed, depends upon the nature of the covalent bond, (i.e., atoms involved and the type of bond) and the strength of  any intermolecular interactions van derWaal’s interactions, H-bonding). The IR spectrum of a sample is, therefore, a biochemical fingerprint.  As the biochemistry of cells, tissues and fluids must change during disease (there can be no disease without abnormal biochemistry), then the biochemical fingerprint of cells, tissues and fluids should be altered in the disease. This has been demonstrated in the case of Myocardial infarction and arthritis etc.

Recently in the past few years, FTIR has been used in the diagnosis of cancer. Gao.,T et.al. has carried out the FTIR study of human breast, normal and carcinomal tissues. They report that their method of analysis results in nearly 100% diagnostic accuracy of carcinomal tissues from normal ones. The chronic lymphocytic leukemia could be well characterized by FTIR based on lipid and DNA content and the overall spectral characters. Also the diagnosis of lung cancer was done using FTIR by measuring the ratio of the peak intensities of the 1030 cm-1 and 1080 cm-1 bands (originated mainly in glycogen and phosphodiester groups of nucleic acids respectively) which differs greatly between normal and lung cancer samples. The grading of lymphoid tumors could be achieved by FTIR microscopy. The examples mentioned above clearly suggest that FTIR can be a powerful tool in the diagnosis of cancer. The main advantages of this technique are simplicity, quick results and economic viability.
