Dr. Suleiman Abu-Bader

Office Address:

Department of Economics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel







Research Interests | General Information | Publications | Blogs
Working papers | Work in progress | Journal Referee | Conferences | Teaching


Research Interests

  • Applied Econometrics
  • Development Economics
  • Middle East Economies


General Information

  • Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1999
  • M.A. in Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1998
  • M.A in Economics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, 1993
  • Diploma of Education Secondary-School Teacher Training, Department Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1986
  • B.A. in Mathematics and Statistics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1984
Employment History

Sep. 2014 – Aug. 2016

MENA Chief Economist Office – the World Bank

Oct. 2009 -

Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Senior Lecturer

Oct. 2000 - Sept. 2009

Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Lecturer

Oct. 1999 - Sept. 2002

Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Post-Doctoral Fellow

1995 - 1999

Cornell University, Department of Economics, Teaching Assistant

1993 - 1994

Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Research and teaching assistant

1990 - 1993

Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Teaching Assistant

1984 - 1994

Tel-Sheva High School, Tel-Sheva, Israel, High School Teacher for Mathematics


Honors and Awards
  • Ma'of Fellowship, 2002-2005
  • Sage Fellowship, Cornell University, 1994-5, 1997-8.
  • The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLEF), 1990



Refereed Articles in Scientific Journals

·         S. Abu-Bader and E. Ianchovichin (2019), Polarization, foreign military intervention, and civil conflict, Journal of Development Economics, 141(5), 1-32.

·         S. Abu-Bader and J. Zeira (2012) "Trading Peacefully: How to Increase Trade in MENA after a Comprehensive Arab-Israeli Peace" in The Arab Peace Initiative and Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Political Economy of a New Period edited by Arie Arnon and Saeb Bamya.

·         S. Abu-Bader and Daniel Gottlieb (2012)"Poverty, Education and Employment among the Arab-Bedouin in Israel" in Poverty and Social Exclusion around the Mediterranean Sea edited by Valérie Bérenger and Florent Bresson. Springer.

·         S. Abu-Bader and Yehuda Gradus (2011) The Negev Bedouin Statistical Data Book No. 3. (Eds.) Ben-Gurion University Press.

·         S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2010), Trade Liberalization or Oil Shocks: Which Better Explains Structural Breaks in International Trade Ratios? Review of International Economics, 18(2), 250–264.

  • A. Abu-Qarn and S. Abu-Bader (2009), Getting Income Shares Right: A Panel Data Investigation for OECD Countries, Economic Development Quarterly, 23(3), 254-266.
  • A. Abu-Qarn and S. Abu-Bader (2009), On the Dynamics of the Israeli-Arab Conflict, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 49(3), 931-943.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn, The Relationship between GATT Membership and Structural Breaks in International Trade, Global Economy Journal, 8(4), article 1.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2008), Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: Time Series Evidence from Middle Eastern and North African Countries. Review of Development Economics, 12(4), 803-817.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2008), Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Egyptian Experience, Journal of Policy Modeling, 30, 887–898.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2008), The Impact of GATT on International Trade: Evidence from Structural Break Analysis, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 8(2), 23-36.
  • A. Abu-Qarn and S. Abu-Bader (2008), Structural Breaks in Military Expenditures: Evidence from Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Syria, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 14(1), article 3.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2008), On the optimality of a GCC Monetary Union: Structural VAR, Common Trends and Common Cycles Evidence, World Economy, 31(5), 612-630.
  • S. Abu-Bader and D. Gottlieb (2008), Education, Employment and Poverty Among Arab Bedouins in Southern Israel, Hagar – Studies in Culture, Polity and Identity, 8(2), 121-136.
  • A. Abu-Qarn and S. Abu-Bader (2007), Sources of Growth Revisited: Evidence from Selected MENA Countries, World Development, 35(5), 752-771.
  • A. Abu-Qarn and S. Abu-Bader (2004), The Validity of the ELG Hypothesis in the MENA Region: Cointegration and Error Correction Model, Applied Economics, 36(15), 1685-1696.
  • S. Abu-Bader and A. Abu-Qarn (2003), Government Expenditures, Military Spending and Economic Growth: Causality Evidence from Egypt, Israel and Syria, Journal of Policy Modeling, 25(6), 567-583.
  • S. Abu-Bader (2002), Institutional Changes and Breakpoints in Israeli Trade, Applied Economics, 34, 1893-1901.

Working Papers

  • David Bigman and Suleiman Abu-Bader (2005), "The Role and Constraints of the WTO in Conflict Resolution: The Lessons from WTO Rulings in Sugar and Cotton Trade Subsidies," Mansholt Graduate School Discussion Paper #19. [PDF]
  • Suleiman Abu-Bader and Daniel Gottlieb (2009), "Poverty, education and employment in the Arab-Bedouin society: A comparative view" ECINEQ WP 2009 – 137 [PDF]

Click here for Monaster Center Working Papers





·         S. Abu-Bader and E. Ianchovichina.“Unintended consequences? Foreign intervention, polarization, and conflict in MENA” was published in Brookings Institute blog, October 17, 2018.


Click here for the blog: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2018/10/17/unintended-consequences-foreign-intervention-polarization-and-conflict-in-mena/


Work in Progress

·            International Military Interventions, Polarization, and Civil Conflict: Why to Intervene?

·            Explaining the Differences in Income Inequalities for Bedouin in Recognized and in Unrecognized Villages:  Regression-based Decomposition Using Household Data

·            The Factors Explaining Household Income Inequality in the West-Bank and the Gaza-Strip between 1996 and 2009, Regression-Based Inequality Decomposition Method.


Journal Referee

·            Applied Economics

·            Applied Financial Economics

·            Contemporary Economics Policy

·            Economics Bulletin

·            Eastern Economic Journal

·            Economic Modelling

·            Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

·            Global Economy Journal

·            International Journal of Economics and Business Research

·            Journal of Peace Research

·            Journal of Comparative Economics

·            Journal of Economic Growth

·            Journal of Accounting and Taxation

·            Middle East Development Journal

·            Panoeconomicus

·            Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy

·            Review of International Economics

·            Review of Middle East Economics and Finance

·            Review of World Economics

·            Singapore Economic Review

·            The World Economy



Conference & Seminars

·         35th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Economic Association, Economic Development and MENA Economic (Session Chair), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 6 2019.

·         13th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Brussels, November 15-16, 2017.  Paper title: polarization, External Intervention, and Conflict” with Elena Ianchovichina.

·         18th IEA World Congress. Mexico City, Mexico, June 19, 2017.  Paper title: Polarization, External Intervention, and Conflict” with Elena Ianchovichina.

·         11th Defence and Security Economics Workshop Program, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, November 4, 2016. Paper title: “Polarization, External Intervention, and
Conflict” with Elena Ianchovichina.

·         MENA Chief Economist Seminar Series. Washington D.C., June 29, 2016. Paper Title: “Polarization, External Intervention, and Conflict” with Elena Ianchovichina.

·         MNACE Retreat, IFC the World Bank, Washington D.C, September 4, 2015.  Paper title: “Inter-Group Inequality and Conflict” with Elena Ianchovichina

  • Workshop on Multidimensional Poverty and “Pro-poor” Growth in the MENA Countries Centre d’Études en Macroéconomie et Finance Internationale Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, 11-12 June 2009. Paper Title: “Poverty, Education, and Employment in Arab-Bedouin Society: A Comparative Retrospective” with Daniel Gottlieb.
  • EEA - European Economic Association 23rd Annual Congress, Milan, Italy, August-September 2008.
  • Van Leer 3rd Annual Society and Economics Conference, Jerusalem, December 2007. Paper Title: "Poverty, Education and Employment among the Bedouin Arabs: A Comparative View."
  • EEA - Eastern Economic Association 33rd Annual Conference, NYC, N.Y., February 2007. Paper Title: "Trade Liberalization or Oil Shocks: Which Explains Structural Breaks in International Trade Ratios?
  • Van Leer 2nd Annual Society and Economics Conference, Jerusalem, January 2007. Paper Title: "Poverty in the Bedouin Community: A Comparative Retrospective."
  • EEA - European Economic Association 20th Annual Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 2005.
  • Wageningen Workshop on 'Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the LDCs,' Wageningen, the Netherlands, December 2004. Paper Title: "The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies in Developed Countries on Farmers' Income and Exports in Developing Countries: The Case of Sugar and Cotton" (with D. Bigman).
  • EEA - European Economic Association 19th Annual Congress, Madrid, Spain, August 2004.
  • EEA - Eastern Economic Association 30th Annual Conference, NYC, N.Y., February 2004. Paper Title: "The Case for Monetary Union in the GCC."
  • EEA - European Economic Association 18th Annual Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2003.
  • EEA - Eastern Economic Association 29th Annual Conference, NYC, N.Y., February 2003. Paper Title: "Financial Development and Economic Growth in Egypt: Evidence from Trivariate VAR."
  • EEA - Eastern Economic Association 28th Annual Conference, Boston, Mass., March 2002. Paper Title: "Government Expenditures, Military Spending and Economic Growth: Causality Evidence from Egypt, Israel and Syria."
  • Department of Economics, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, November 2001. Paper Title: "Export-Led Growth: Empirical Evidence from the MENA Region."
  • EEA - Eastern Economic Association 27th Annual Conference, NYC, N.Y., February 2001. Paper Title: "Export-Led Growth: Empirical Evidence from the MENA Region."



Graduate Courses
  • Time series econometrics
  • Econometrics I
  • Workshop in macroeconomics, growth and development


Undergraduate Courses
  • Macroeconomics
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Middle East and North Africa Economies
  • Introduction to Econometrics
  • Development Economics
  • Development Economics: Poverty and Inequality