Phys. Rev. B 81, 245424 (2010) [6 pages]

Shot noise in graphene with long-range Coulomb interaction and local Fermi distribution

Anatoly Golub and Baruch Horovitz
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel

Received 25 February 2010; published 18 June 2010

We calculate the shot-noise power in ballistic graphene using the kinetic equation approach based on the Keldysh technique. We find that the local energy distribution function obeys Poisson’s equation, indicating a mapping into a diffusive metal system. We derive the conductance and noise including the long-range Coulomb interaction to first order. We find that the shot noise increases due to interaction, leading to a frequency dependence. Furthermore, we find that the Fano factor at degeneracy is 1/3, the same as without the Coulomb interaction.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.245424
PACS: 73.50.Td, 73.23.Ad, 73.63.-b

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