Europhys. Lett, 39 (1), pp. 79-84 (1997)


Glass phases of flux lattices in layered superconductors

A. Golub and B. Horovitz

Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

(received 17 February 1997; accepted in final form 26 March 1997)

PACS. 74.60Ge - Flux pinning, flux creep, and flux-line lattice dynamics.
PACS. 05.20 - Statistical mechanics.


We study a flux lattice which is parallel to superconducting layers, allowing for dislocations and for disorder of both short wavelength and long wavelength. We find that the long-wavelength disorder of strength has a significant effect on the phase diagram ---it produces a first-order transition within the Bragg glass phase and leads to melting at strong . This then allows a Friedel scenario of 2D superconductivity.


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